Building a real-time web app

1112 hrs 9 December 2016

Hi. I thought that maybe I would like to think about how to produce something rather than consuming. It’s better to know how to make it because we can make money and profit out of our product. Yeah. I thought of making a real-time web app that tells you about sports and finance issues around the globe.

Basically, I made using different sources of inspirations. I got it from websites like footyroom and/or yahoo news. An app that is reliable to everyone especially the teenagers and the people who love to seek up-to-date financial issues.

Hope to hear from you guys sooner




p/s: sorry for the latest posts about my feelings and stuff. No worries. It’s a story from my heart, a long time ago – in a galaxy far far away (ceh)


0205 hrs 5 December 2016

Well, I’d scroll the old messages, and guess what? I am holding up my tears. I really missed when we used to talk and giving support to each other. Now, it is something unattendable. I cherished the moment when we laugh at little things together and what not. Oh how I missed that.


Wandering how

0027 hrs 12 December 2016

Well, did you have that feeling of losing someone you are close with or acquaintances? I had, and it just did. That ‘someone’ was really meaningful to me because we had been through many moments that we created together. I thought of losing that ‘someone’ will be normal just like my other friends that I left at my old schools, but I just could not. It was a pain in the heart and it tore apart when I can’t hang out with that ‘someone’ like we used to do back then. That ‘someone’ used to say that I’m (that ‘someone’) partner-in-crime but now she had another one, I kept my heart on a normal rate when I meet that ‘someone’ – not like before.

But then I remembered my friend once said:

If Allah gives you hardships, He is still loving you

It is true by the way.

After that ‘someone’ didn’t talk to me like for weeks, there’s one that I never knew and close before came to me and cheer me up. We became close friends since then and we shared moments throughout our life. Like one day, I told her my poem and she laughed at it while praising my poetry as an “impressive” one.

Wait. Did I said ‘her’?


Muhaimin B.H

Chemistry needs a surgery

1535 hrs 28 November 2016

Well, I just thought that maybe I do need some further explainations regarding my chemistry knowledge.

Inner Me:

“Go and fun yourself”

Hey, maybe I will be surgeon and make a surgery on my understandings in chemistry, like what my chemistry teacher used to say to me:


That’s it. I’m outta here

Muhaimin sign off.

Biology – Done!!!

1625 hrs Thursday 24 Nov 2016



After hardships that I’d been through since last year



Well, that was fun. Biology paper 1. I managed to got 40+ and I was amazed with that score. Yeah. For a student from the ‘Kelas Lonjakan Bio’, that score was trembling.

Move on to paper 2.

Highlight for this paper: S.Q.U.A.R.E WATERMELONS

Seriously. Planting a watermelon in a square container is really the only option.


Paper 3?


*closes the book and create my own CO2 Pump*



The student who finished Biology in a great face

Biology.. What’s that?

1430 hrs Wednesday 23 Nov

Recently I had been studying Biology and I thought to myself:

“Why I’m here anyway?”, I mumbled

Then, a friend of mine stood in front of me and said:

“Hey. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. What’s for today?”

“We’ll be learning …” (This is the last sentence before I ‘fainted’ in my own zone)


I just found out that tomorrow is the big occasion:


*drum rolls*

SPM 2016: Biology


Pheww what a big ‘suprise’


Then, I just got that instinct that I’ll do fine in the exam. It’s just my mind is set to be broken whenever the word “Biology” came out. IT’S JUST THE MIND LAH


Moral of the story: Never give up on what you are doing right now even you didn’t like of what it is. Believing that there’s a reason for everything is a good path of achieving success.



The Mental Philosopher


1432 hrs, 14th March 2016

Hi! Well, quite a months back – here’s a new, freshly made post! Err.. I don’t know what to say now.. err.. I had lost my confidence.


About 20 minutes of gaining confidence..

I’m a self-esteem person now! :’)

The result of my first test is quite good, so far..

Subjects Score Grade
Bahasa Malaysia 72 A-
Mathematics 86 A
Additional Mathematics 80 A
Chemistry 53 C

I have to improve my science subjects now. Aim high, Abdu Muhaimin!

Programming [Java]

1233 hours 10th February 2016

Hi! Thanks for reading this. I thought that today I would like to share you some of the fundamentals of Java – yes – let’s begin. First of all – for starters, we have to know what is the word “programming” meant. Like, you have to know ABCs first before you go for D, E, F, G, H,…

Here’s a quote from Bruce Eckel, the author of Thinking In Java, 4th Edition:

Programming is about managing complexity: the complexity of the problem you want to solve, laid upon the complexity of the machine in which it is solved.

Well, did you understood what is meant by the quote above? Well – to me, not quite. He then continue:

 Because of this complexity, most of our programming projects fail. And yet, of all the programming languages of which I am aware, almost none have gone all out and decided that their main design goal would be to conquer the complexity of developing and maintaining programs

Now, it’s much buttery better 🙂 ! But what is the difference between Java and other programming languages?

I originally approached Java as “just another programming language,” which in many senses it is.

I JUST mentioned it. But what’s the difference and how?

But as time passed and I studied it more deeply, I began to see that the fundamental intent of this language was different from other languages I had seen up to that point.

Oh now I get it. You have to STUDY first the language. Like many programming languages, you have to study their fundamentals and their design. Like, I had said it in a mini conference held by Thrytbox:

There is a need in programming like there is a need in sustainability towards success. By studying their programming language’s fundamentals – it just got even better , I suppose

Well, in Java, there’s a lot of fundamentals to be reached. Read here for the full documentation: Java Documentation – Oracle

So, how’s the finding? Well, there’s pretty much to share – you just have to discover it yourself! 🙂

Learning Japanese (part II)

2249 hours 9th February 2016


So, yeah. After that the class became narrower and narrower until there’s only 6 of us.


From left: Fujita-sensei, Puteri, Shaqini, Sakinah, Danishah, Muhaimin (guess who), Syafiq, Alif (not a member of the class)

We’d experienced many of unbelievable moments to share along us. Pain, anxiety and happiness are along the way. Learning japanese are quite tough but we had endured it thanks to Fujita-sensei.

A welcome had been ended with a farewell – as we bid goodbye to Fujita-sensei as her duty at the school had ended. We wish her a good luck at her hometown – Japan.

P/s: Before her departure, she gave us some gifts to keep her in mind. A gift of a polaroid picture with her, a lucky charm (go yen) and a note to keep her in mind – aw)

Pictures will be posted later but yeah a true class indeed 😉